Sunday, June 05, 2005

Type Casting

From my experience working in, and managing, six call centers, I have identifed four major types of people who work in Call Centers: Travellers, Misfit Toys, The Misguided, and Last Stop.

Travellers: Just passin' through - they're using the call center for some cash while they pursue something worthwhile, like going to college. Usually bright, adept.

Misfit Toys: Tattoos, mohawks, punk rock. They're young, out on their own, like beer and might have a hard time getting a job somewhere else. Usually bright, but some can be quite unbalanced.

The Misguided: Are under the misconception that a call center rep job is a job in which they can learn and grow, make a career out of.....Not much else going on in their life. Lowest performers of the list.

Last Stop: Last stop before retirement, that is. Usually good, solid reps. Their age is a plus. Only down side in my experience was one gentleman who, serioulsy, didn't change his diaper frequently enough.


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